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Instruction Manual NivuSonic

instrukcje obsługi / informacje techniczne Angielski/English

Instruction Manual for NivuSonic Measurement Device

Datenblatt Überspannungsschutz-Gehäuse BSG

Broszury / karty katalogowe Niemiecki/German

Brochure Products & Services

Broszury / karty katalogowe Angielski/English

Our brochure Products & Services gives you an overview to our product range as well as our measurement technologies for flow measurement, level measurement, data logging and telecontrol as well as water analysis.


Nivus Licences for the PC Software Suite

Inne Francuski/French

The software package contains the following components: UltraPC (NivuMaster as from 7.x.x), BlackBox PC (NivuMaster L-2 as from 1.4.8), NivuCompact PC (NivuCompact as from 1.3.), HART PC (for i-Series as from 5.0) and NivuScope 2 PC (NivuScope 2 as from 1.02)

Technical Information on D2W

instrukcje obsługi / informacje techniczne Angielski/English

D2W Client - this software tool is for the automatic download of measurement data in TSV, CSV or TXT format to a dedicated directory.

Software Manual for NivuSoft

instrukcje obsługi / informacje techniczne Angielski/English

NivuSoft Version 2.2.1847.0
Software for measurement data evaluation for Windows XP / Vista / 7

Application Note for NivuSoft

instrukcje obsługi / informacje techniczne Francuski/French

NivuSoft Version 2.2.1847.0
Software for measurement data evaluation for Windows XP / Vista / 7

Data Import - from NivuDat to NivuSoft

Broszury / karty katalogowe Angielski/English

It is possible to directly import measurement data from NivuDat to NivuSoft. However the new NivuDat32 needs to be installed first.

Technische Information für das Internetportal D2W

instrukcje obsługi / informacje techniczne Niemiecki/German

D2W Client - das Softwaretool dient zum automatischen Herunterladen von Messdaten in den Formaten TSV, CSV oder TXT in ein gewähltes Verzeichnis.

Brochure Applications & Solutions

Broszury / karty katalogowe Angielski/English

Our Applications & Solutions catalogue offers a brief overview to the most interesting application examples in a single pdf-document.

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NIVUS Zespół firmy
Ul. Bolesława Krzywoustego 4
81-035 Gdynia