Quality starts in people’s heads

Quality starts in people’s heads

Continuous improvement is our incentive.

We are convinced: a company cannot be forced into quality management.

Top quality will arise only as soon as the idea of quality is shared by everyone: managers, employees and the suppliers. That is what we live.

To scrutinise our products and operating processes in order to get better day by day is a challenge we meet with pleasure.

This is why we are looking at things the way our customers and users do to make our products even better. At this stage, the direct contact with our customers as well as the continuous cross-departmental dialogue in-house and in the supply chain are very helpful.

High-quality measurement – starting from the level measurement in difficult hydraulic conditions – however is just one brick in paving the way to the best measurement results.

It is rather expert advice combined with application-specific measurement systems which make an optimal measurement solution.

Certification according to ISO 9001 since 1995, ATEX certification since 1999 as well as our long-time customer relations all over the world show that we put this understanding of quality into practice on a daily basis.

Since then, the M-CERTS certificate and the IECEx scheme have been added.

ISO 9001 Certificate

ISO 9001 Certificate from TUEV Nord

ATEX Certificate

ATEX Certificate from TÜV Nord

IECEx Summary Report

IECEx Quality Assessment Report Summary

MCerts Certificate NivuFlow 750

MCerts Product Conformity Certificate

WRAS Approval Certificate

WRAS approved flow sensors

We are glad to have you here! For any question regarding water or digitisation we are happy to answer you call or your email message.