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1628 downloads found

Efficiency Measurement and Ex-proof GPRS Data Transmission

Flow Measurement to create a Sewage Master Plan

Flow Measurement under poor hydraulic Conditions

Determination of Infiltration Water in larger Diameters

Determination of Infiltration Water in small Pipelines


Intake Area

Flow measurements and level measurement in open and closed channels and pipes in WWTP intake areas


Stormwater Treatment Facilities

Flow measurement on spillways according to self-monitoring regulation


NIVUS WebPortal Tutorials

Our video tutorials for the NIVUS WebPortal for easy and effective operation

Non-Contact Level Measurement

Serie i - Capteurs de niveau intelligents avec convertisseur de mesure intégré


Non-contact level measurement

NIVUS provide reliable non-contact level measurement for level detection to accurately detect the levels of liquids and bulk solids.

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Im Täle 2
75031 Eppingen