Capteurs de débit

Capteur cylindrique CSM

Réf. article CSM-V100 R

Ultraschallsensoren für Durchflussmessung mit sehr hoher Genauigkeit in leicht bis stark verschmutzen Medien. Zur Montage von außen in Rohre

  • For high-accurate flow measurement of ultrasonic cross correlation method
  • Interference-free connection over long distances through digital signal transmission
  • Cables can be extended without any problems using standard cables
  • Absolutely stable zero point and drift-free
  • Measurement in heavily polluted and abrasive media
  • Easy installation without additional constructions and perfectly matched mounting accessories


The CSM pipe velocity sensors are suitable for continuous measurement of slight to heavily polluted media.
The pipe-shaped sensors are designed for installation in pipes from the outside using a nozzle. Combined with transmitter types such as NivuFlow 750 and an external level measurement the result is a complete flow measurement system.

Typical applications for POA pipe sensors

  • For temporary flow measurements 
  • Validation of existing measurements
  • Wastewater treatment plants: intake, discharge, activated sludge tank intakes, return sludge, recirculation, surplus sludge, digester discharge and flocculant dosage
  • Direct discharge control, infiltration (extraneous water) or leakage detection
  • Industrial wastewater networks
  • and many more
Données techniques

Description technique | Pour capteurs à corrélation et boîtier électronique externe (Rev. 10)

Manuel d’installation | Capteurs Corrélation et Doppler (Rev. 08)

Déclaration de conformité "Ex" capteurs ultrasoniques CSM / CSP / DSM / OCL-LM

Déclaration de conformité "Capteurs Ultrasoniques CSM / CSP / DSM / OCL-LM"

Produits associés au système

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Béatrice Maier
28 rue de Londres
75009 Paris