Miscellaneous Accessories

Rain Gauge

Part No. RM 20X

for detection of precipitation volumes

Rain gauge for detection of precipitation volumes and for mobile date transmission to the NIVUS WebPortal with comprehensive options for evaluation, verification and output of alarms

  • Extremely long battery life of up to 5 years
  • Type 202 with heating suitable also for winter operation
  • Data transmission via mobile communication to the NIVUS WebPortal with comprehensive options for evaluation through monitoring and data forwarding to alarms


The Rain Gauge detects liquid precipitation (rain) falling on the ground. The model equipped with an integrated heating detects solid precipitation (snow or hail) as well. The rain gauge body is made of stainless steel and comes with a sieve preventing the drop collector stage from pollution through foliage or bird excrements.

For operation during winter the model Type RM 202 with electronically control-led heating powered by an external power supply is available.

The measurement is based on the tipping scale principle, where a Reed switch triggers an impulse per 0.1 mm of precipitation. This pulse is passed on to an external counter or can be routed to other counting systems.
The model with integrated data logger saves the impulses corresponding to date, time and rain level. Thanks to the powerful internal rechargeable battery, this data logger operates self-sufficient and in-dependent from mains power for an extremely long period. The logger automatically logs in with the most powerful GSM network and transmits measurement values to the NIVUS WebPortal.
NIVUS WebPortal provides a variety of options for evaluation through status monitoring and data forwarding to output of alarms.



Typical Rain Gauge applications

  • Detection of rain volumes
  • Snowfall measurement
  • Determination of additional information during flow measurement campaigns and investigation of infiltration/extraneous water
Technical Data

3,3 kg

Ambient temperature

without heating 0 to 60 °C

with heating -25 to 60 °C


Output accuracy

at 0 - 11 mm/min ±3 %


0.1 mm precipitation


max. 11 mm/min

Capacity of tipping scale

2 cm³

Capturing area

200 cm²

Specifications subject to change.

Output signal 1
Rv (series resist. in RG)

100 Ohm


max. 10 kOhm (Ra at interface (Vcc = 5V))

Impulse current

80 mA

Closed current (no precipitation)

50 µA

Power supply

5 - 24 V DC

Impulse frequency

0 - 2 Hz

Length of impulse

125 ms

Specifications subject to change.

Output signal 2
Switching voltage

42 V

Switching power

0 - 2 Hz

Impulse frequency

0 - 2 Hz

Length of impulse

50 ms

Specifications subject to change.

Heating (optional)
Heating power

48,5 W


2 °C

Turn-on temperature

5 °C


24 V DC

Specifications subject to change.

Power pack RMT0Z NTH01 (optional)


Power consumption

60 W


24 V DC


85 - 265 V AC

Specifications subject to change.


Data sheet Rain Gauge

Data sheet for precipitation instrument with optional data transmission and optional heating

Declaration of Conformity Rain Gauge

Instruction Manual Rev.08 "Measurement Device Rain Gauge Type RM 200/RM202"

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